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Programme Description

An Associate Degree in Mathematics prepares students for transfer to a four-year undergraduate degree to continue their education, or directly into the world of work. Mathematics provides the foundation for studying engineering; the biological, physical and health sciences; economics; business; computer science; statistics; and many other fields. A major in mathematics itself opens up job opportunities in numerous fields, as mathematical problem-solving skills are widely applicable.

Those who major in math go well beyond the basics, to study calculus, differential equations, statistics and probability, the basic structures in algebra and geometry, as well as some combinatorics and proofs.

Programme Objectives

At the end of the programme, students should be able to:

1.       Demonstrate understanding of the concepts from the five branches of mathematics (algebra, geometry and trigonometry, calculus, probability and statistics, and discrete mathematics).

2.       Use appropriate mathematical skills and concepts to solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations.

3.       Select and apply general rules correctly to solve problems including those in real-life contexts.

4.       Use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, terminology) in both oral and written explanations.

5.        Use different forms of mathematical representation (formulae, diagrams, tables, charts, graphs and models) and move between different forms of representation.

6.       Explain whether their results make sense in the context of the problem.

  1. Evaluate a computing - based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements and develop an appropriate strategy to solve problems in the context of the program's discipline.


Program Length 

This programme is two years for full-time students.  



Mathematics IGCE/CXC at grade A* - B/1 – 2.

 Students without the required prerequisites for Math and Science courses must ensure that these are completed prior to registration for these courses. MAT 106 is the prerequisite for MAT 233 and MAT 260, and both MAT 106 and MAT 121 are the prerequisites for MAT 221. It is therefore advisable to take MAT 106 and MAT 121 in Year 1 of the programme, unless the student qualifies for direct entry. Students who choose BIO, CHE or PHY as their science requirement, but who do not possess a CXC/IGCSE qualification or equivalent in the subject, must first take the introductory course.

Programme Requirements




COL 101

College and Employability Skills

3 Credits

COM 110

Computer Applications in Business

3 Credits

COM 200

Computer Programming I

3 Credits

COM 201

Computer Programming II

3 Credits

COM 261

System Analysis and Design

3 Credits

ENG 101

College Composition I

3 Credits

ENG 102

College Composition II

3 Credits

MAT 221

Calculus I with Analytical Geometry

4 Credits

MAT 222

Calculus II

4 Credits

MAT 233

Probability and Statistics

3 Credits

MAT 260

Discrete Mathematics

3 Credits

MAT 225

Linear Algebra

3 Credits


12-16 Credits

Social Sciences  

3 Credits


3-6 Credits



Science Requirements

These courses should be chosen in consultation with the advisor.


Social Science Requirements

Any social science from the approved list, chosen in consultation with the advisor.


These courses should be chosen in consultation with the advisor.

The following sequence is suggested for all full-time Mathematics students. If this recommended sequence is not followed, the student is not guaranteed to graduate on time.

Fall I

Spring I


Fall II

Spring II


ENG 101


ENG 102


Elective 1


COM 201


COM 261

Science 1

Science 2

MAT 221

MAT 222

Social Science

COL 101


MAT 260

MAT 233

COM 110

COM 200


Science 3

Science 4


Elective 2

MAT 225