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Admission to the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) is open to both local and international persons who are interested in furthering their educations. Applicants are expected to possess the ability and the appropriate preparation for success in college-level studies. Each applicant is assessed individually and all elements of the secondary/high school records and other pertinent academic records are considered.

Freshman applicants, age 20 and under, must submit official transcripts from all prior educational institutions and all relevant original external examination results. For mature applicants (persons age 21 and above) this requirement is waived, but they must submit a job letter as evidence of work experience. The Office of the Registrar reserves the right to request that an applicant take the UCCI entrance exam if sufficient credentials cannot be supplied to demonstrate his or her ability to meet the academic requirements.

Applicants from other countries should consult the section on international student admission for additional information. The university college expects that all applicants have the ability to function in an English-speaking environment. In the absence of proof of competency, the appli- cant will be required to sit an English assessment test, the results of which will determine whether preparatory English courses are required.

Students who have not completed secondary school may demonstrate equivalency by taking the UCCI entrance exam offered in April and June of each year. Appropriate programmes will be recommended based on the level of performance.

All enquiries should be forwarded to:

The Admissions Coordinator

University College of the Cayman Islands 168 Olympic Way, P.O. Box 702 GT

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands KY1-1107

Telephone: (345) 623- UCCI (8224) • Fax: (345) 949-6781


Admissions Policies, Procedures and Requirements

For information on specific admission policies, procedures and requirements for each individual programme, prospective students should read the admissions and entry information below.

 How to Apply

1.           Complete the application form online at the University College of the Cayman Islands website:

2.           Print the auto-generated form. Confirm postal address, desired programme and sign the form. Submit the completed form to the admissions office.

3.           Also submit the following items:

–         the non-refundable (KYD 25) application processing fee;

–         proof of nationality (passport and/or birth certificate);

–         proof of valid immigration status (for international students);

–         a recent passport-sized photo, (if photo in passport is not recognisable); and

–         full academic records:

·          official high school and/or college transcripts,

·         external examination results (such as CXC, IGCSE/GCSE, SAT, ACT).

4.           Applicants seeking admission as mature students must provide evidence of relevant employment experience.

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester: 31 May/Spring Semester: 31 October

The printed copy of the online application form and all supporting documentation must be submitted by the advertised admissions deadline for an application file to be considered complete and ready for review. New students are not accepted for the summer session. However, they may register for courses as non-matriculated students and will receive the credits whenever they matriculate.

 Application Fee

Applicants are required to pay the non-refundable KYD 25 application fee. The application fee can be submitted in Cayman Islands Dollars (KYD) or converted to United States Dollars (USD). Payment can be made by bank draft or money order, credit/debit card (American Express is not accepted), or cash. Applicants are strongly encouraged to pay the application fee at the time the printed copy of the application form (completed online) is being submitted.

Required Documentation

All documents submitted to the University College of the Cayman Islands must be originals. Copies will be made where necessary.

Applicants awaiting exam results can be provisionally admitted to a UCCI undergraduate degree programme based on a review of unofficial transcripts and/or fulfilment of programme-specific admission requirements. However, full admission is contingent upon receipt of final, official documents and fulfillment of programme-specific admission requirements.

Reporting false information, or omitting required information, will invalidate an application. This could result in a deferral of the offer, rejection of the application, or dismissal of the applicant from the university if already enroled.

By submitting the application, the applicant grants permission to the University College of the Cayman Islands to make any necessary inquiries, and the applicant voluntarily and knowingly authorises any former institution, government agency, employer, person, firm, corporation, its officers, employees and agents, or any other person or entity to provide written or oral information upon such a request.

Final, official transcripts must show all courses completed, grades posted, and graduation dates (if applicable). The transcript should be submitted in a sealed envelope in order to be considered official. Photocopies and facsimiles will not be accepted as final, official transcripts.

Applicants who attended institutions in non-English-speaking countries should submit certified translations of their documentation along with the originals.

Information on the requirements for admittance into specific majors or programmes is available in the programme descriptions sections further on in this catalogue.

 Enrollment Confirmation

Once the completed application and all required materials have been received, UCCI will make a decision about a student’s admission. Prospective students are generally notified of admission within two to four weeks of submitting all application materials.

 Entry Requirements

 Bachelor of Science

Acceptance into a four-year bachelor of science degree programmes first requires completion of an associate degree (AA/AAS). Students who have successfully completed an associate degree may apply for conversion into year three of the bachelor’s degree.

Associate of Arts/Associate of Science/Associate of Applied Science

The basic requirements for acceptance into the associate degree programmes are as outlined below. In addition, students must satisfy the special requirements of individual programmes. These are listed in the appropriate section of the catalogue where applicable.

There are several routes by which students can qualify for entry into the associate degree programmes offered by the university college. Students applying for associate degree programmes are expected to satisfy the requirements in one of the following categories:


Applicant’s Qualifications

Associate of Arts

Associate of Science

Associate of Applied Science




Passes in five subjects, including English and maths, at one (or more) sittings of the CXC examinations at the general/technical proficiency levels, with grades I–III.


Passes in five subjects, including English and maths, at one (or more) sittings of the University of Cambridge General Certificate in Education (GCE)/International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)/General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations with a minimum grade of ‘C’.


A combination of Cambridge and CXC passes in five subjects, including English and maths with grades as specified above.

NOTE: Passes in CXC examinations at the basic level do not satisfy the entry requirements for the associate degree programmes.

SAT Scores

Students should have a combined SAT score of at least 1425 (re- centred). The university college also requires that students have a minimum score of 400 in each section (verbal and mathematics) of the test. If the SAT was taken before March 2005, the student must submit a combined score of at least 950.

A combined SAT score of at least 1300. If the SAT was taken before March 2005, the student must submit a combined score of at least 850.



Associate of


Associate of


Associate of

Applied Science


ACT Scores


A combined ACT score of at least 24

to matriculate into the associate of arts or associate of science programmes.

A combined ACT score of at least 22 to matriculate into the associate of applied science programmes.


Mature Students


Individuals 21 years or older must submit evidence of relevant work experience by providing a letter from an employer. Anyone qualifying for entry as a mature student will be accepted on probation and may be required to meet the specific requirements for particular courses or programmes of study. A student entering the associate degree programme without external examination passes (Cambridge or CXC) at the required level in English and mathematics will be required to pass the courses ENG 99 Preparatory English/MAT 99 Preparatory Mathematics, or present evidence of adequate mastery of those subject areas.


UCCI Certificate


Students may apply to an associate degree programme provided they have completed all requirements of the relevant certificate programme with an average of B or better.



Individuals who have not registered for an entire academic year (two semesters and a summer session) are required to complete an application for undergraduate readmission form, and pay the required fee, in order to receive consideration for reentry. They cannot complete an online application. Readmission requests should be submitted at least four weeks prior to the commencement of classes for the semester or session in which they wish to enrol. Applications will be processed in 10 working days.

Transfer Admission

UCCI welcomes undergraduate students who have earned relevant college credits at other institutions. Award of transfer credit is based upon faculty and administrative review that focuses on comparability of learning outcomes. UCCI will transfer courses from previous institutions for which a student has earned a grade of C or higher.

To be admitted as a transfer student, the applicant must have achieved at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA, on a 4.0 scale, at the college(s) attended previously. Applicants who do not meet the cumulative GPA requirement may enrol as non-matriculated students. These students may subsequently apply for matriculated student status after earning a minimum of 18 credits in degree courses with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 at UCCI, which uses a 4.0 scale.

Applicants admitted as non-matriculated students must pass English and mathematics in order to matriculate. In addition, a science or humanities course may be required, depending on the major and/or degree the student intends to pursue.

Students interested in transferring to UCCI should contact the registrar and admissions office to discuss how prior college credits can be applied toward a UCCI degree.

Official transcripts from all colleges or universities previously attended should be sent directly to:

Regular Mail:

University College of the Cayman Islands Attn: Admissions Coordinator

P.O. Box 702

Grand Cayman KY1-1107 CAYMAN ISLANDS


University College of the Cayman Islands Attn: Admissions Coordinator

168 Olympic Way George Town

Grand Cayman KY1-1107 CAYMAN ISLANDS

 Transfer of Credits to the University College

1.           A minimum grade of C is required for each course to be transferred.

2.           A maximum of 50% of the credits required by a programme may be transfer credits from an institution other than UCCI. However, only 30% of the credits required for the major or area of concentration may be obtained as transfer credits.

3.           Courses or grades older than 10 years will not be accepted as transfer credits. In certain disciplines (e.g., information technology), courses less than 10 years old must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine their currency for the syllabi.

4.           Credits from non-English-speaking institutions must be accompanied by an evaluation in English by a foreign credential evaluation agency acceptable to the university college.

5.           Submitting the Transfer of Credits form does not guarantee that any or all of the courses listed will be accepted for credit.

 Students may be required to submit a course description or syllabus for the course to be transferred, in addition to an official transcript indicating the grade earned for the course. An evaluation of transfer credits will be done at the student’s request only after the UCCI application form and required fee have been received.

 International Student Admission

The University College of the Cayman Islands welcomes applications for undergraduate admission from qualified international students. The university college values the presence of international students as these students add diversity and a global perspective to campus life.

International applicants should apply as early as possible, well ahead of the deadline, for the desired semester of initial enrolment at the university college. This allows sufficient time to obtain official school records, to have school records evaluated, to arrange for any required examinations, to have the application for admission reviewed and to secure a student visa.

Language and Testing Requirements

Classes at the University College of the Cayman Islands are conducted in English, and assignments, papers, and tests must be written in acceptable English. If English is not the applicant’s native language or language of instruction, the UCCI English assessment test is required for admission consideration.

 The Application Process

Most international applicants are accepted for enrolment beginning with the fall semester at the end of August/beginning of September. However, the university college also accepts international students who wish to begin in January, the start of the spring semester. The international student application deadlines are the same as for other undergraduate applicants:

May 31 for fall semester; October 31 for spring semester.

Application Requirements

All of the following must be submitted by the appropriate application deadline:

1.           The completed and signed application for admission (available online at

2.           Non-refundable KYD 25 application fee.

3.           Official transcripts from all secondary schools and universities attended. Certified literal (not interpretive) translations must accompany non-English documents.

 Immigration Requirements

Applicants who are not Caymanian or holders of Caymanian status and who wish to enrol in classes offered at the university college must have immigration clearance before they will be allowed to do so.

Prospective students are encouraged to apply to the Department of Immigration for student visas, at least three months before the semester begins. Please note that students will not be allowed to attend classes without proper immigration approval on file. To obtain a student visa, the student must be enrolled full-time (minimum of 12 credits in fall and spring, and a minimum of six credits in summer). Student visas are not issued for part- time study. Work permit holders are only allowed to register as part-time students.

Further information on these requirements can be obtained from:

The Department of Immigration

P.O. Box 1098

George Town KY1-1102 Cayman Islands

Telephone: (345) 949-8344 Website:

 Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Credit

Students who have completed Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses may receive college credit toward their chosen degrees at UCCI. Students should consult with the admissions office to confirm credit awards.

 Residency Regulations for Tuition Purposes

At the time of making the initial application to UCCI, students should direct questions regarding residency status, or change thereof, to the registrar and admissions office. To be considered as a qualified resident for tuition purposes, the student must establish this by providing evidence of fulfilling one of several conditions: (1) status as a permanent resident; (2) continuous legal residency in the Cayman Islands for at least 10 consecutive years immediately preceding registration and/or application for admission; (3) spouse of a Caymanian or status holder or permanent resident.

 Residency Documentation

The applicable documents listed below may be accepted and considered as evidence of fulfilling the university college criteria for access to the Caymanian tuition rate.

1.            Permanent Residency

–         Appropriate stamp in a valid passport; and/or

–         Original letter/certificate from the C.I. Immigration Department confirming Permanent Residency status

2.            Legal Residency for 10 years

–         Written confirmation from prior schools to confirm consistent enrolment (if the person applying is not a mature student); and

–         Travel history from the Cayman Islands Immigration Department for the 10-year period; or

–         All prior passports for the 10-year-period to confirm entrance to and exit from the Cayman Islands

3.            Spouse of Caymanian/Status Holder/Permanent Resident

–         Marriage certificate

–         Husband’s/Wife’s birth certificate

–         Husband’s/Wife’s passport

 Persons listed as dependents on a parent or guardian’s work permit or permanent residency are not eligible for access to the Caymanian tuition rate unless they have satisfied the 10-year legal residency condition.

Requests for residency re-classification are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, immediate responses are not always possible and requests for reclassification must be submitted by the stated deadline. Additional documents and explanation of documents submitted may be requested. Submission of fraudulent documents to obtain residency will result in suspension from the University College of the Cayman Islands. Additional information is available by contacting the registrar and admissions office.

 Proof of Health Insurance

Students are required to submit proof of valid health insurance coverage or a signed waiver (Caymanian students only by exception) during application or registration.