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Course Number/Title

Course description



NUR 101 Foundations of Nursing

This foundational course in nursing explores the historical, philosophical, scientific, ethical and legal bases for the profession of nursing. It examines nursing as a profession and prepares students to acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to function as Registered Nurses.

2 Credits

NUR 201 Health Promotion

This course explores concepts of health, health promo- tion, health protection and illness prevention throughout the lifespan. It introduces the student to factors that influence health and wellness and strategies for promotion and maintenance of health in the individual, family, and community. Concepts, models and strategies of health promotion including international, regional and national policies, charters and declarations, as well as issues and barriers to health promotion are explored. The Cayman Islands’ perspective on health policy in general and specifically as it relates to health promotion is analysed.

1 Credit

NUR 203 Health Assessment

This course introduces the student to the nursing process and health assessment of well individuals throughout the lifecycle. The nursing process framework is used for interviewing, data collection and performing physical assessment. Opportunities are provided for students to practise data collection and health assessment with healthy individuals of all ages through interviewing and performing physical examination.

BIO 210; BIO 211; COM 111; SOC 101

3 Credits

NUR 204 Patient & Health Care Worker Safety

This theory and clinical practice course provides the student with key concepts and principles of infection prevention and control, injection safety, and blood safety, which are fundamental to safe nursing practice.

BIO 230; BIO 235

3 Credits

NUR 205 First Aid & Basic Life Support

This course provides students with the knowledge of the principles of managing first aid in emergency situations in the home, community and health care facilities.

BIO 210; 211

2 Credits

NUR 214 Community Health Nursing

This course introduces the student to basic concepts of community-based nursing focusing on the family and community as units of care. Principles, theories, and concepts of community health nursing are utilised to generate an understanding of the roles and functions of community health nurses.

3 Credits

NUR 215 Community Health Nursing Clinical Practicum

This course focuses on community health nursing clinical practicum in the community. Guided clinical experiences are provided at selected community-based agencies and organisations to enable students to observe the role of members of the health team in the practice environ- ments. Students will demonstrate progressive independence in selected nursing practice in community health settings.

NUR 214

3 Credits

NUR 216 Concepts Applied to Nursing

This course introduces the student to basic nursing skills. It focuses on concepts of caring, body image, pain, loss, grief and the grieving process, dying and death, immobility and chronicity. The student is introduced to hospitalization. The nurse’s responsibility in relation to surgical interventions is also examined.

Minimum 2.75 GPA

3 Credits

NUR 217 Concepts Applied to Nursing Clinical Practicum

This course provides an opportunity for students to implement selected basic nursing skills relative to the course Concepts Applied to Nursing in acute care settings. The focus of the course is to assist students develop competence and confidence in the application of basic skills prior to progressing to more advanced clinical nursing courses. Basic clinical skills are practiced in the clinical skills laboratory prior to engaging in clinical experience in health care settings.

NUR 216

3 Credits

NUR 240 Pathophysiology

This course focuses on the structural and physiological changes occurring in the body as a result of disease processes. The course introduces students to the concepts of abnormality and provides information on the sequel of dis- eases, alterations in body structure, body functions, and related clinical manifestations. The genetic disorders of the Cayman Islands will be studied. The course is divided into two parts. Part 1 gives the history of pharmacology. The classification of drugs, their actions in the body and their therapeutic use is covered in Part 2.

BIO 210; BIO 211

3 Credits

NUR 250 Pharmacology in Nursing

This course introduces the students to the knowledge and principles of pharmacology, a brief history

3 Credits

NUR 265 Mental Health Nursing

This course focuses on mental health, as well as the basic psychopathology of mental disorders of individuals and families throughout the lifecycle who are experiencing varying states of mental health. The environmental influences affecting the mental health of the individual are examined within the context of the family and/or community. The nurse/patient relationship is emphasised as the foundation for therapeutic communication and nursing interventions. Collaboration with other health team members and/or community resources is explored as a way to address the needs of the individual and family using various treatment modalities. Students are expected to apply the knowledge gained to patient situations in the clinical settings during the Mental Health Nursing Clinical Practicum course.

NUR 266. Prerequisite: NUR 216

4 Credits

NUR 266 Mental Health Nursing Clinical Practicum

The clinical experience of this course enhances theoretical learning related to the mental health needs of individuals and families. The essential features of the clinical experience in a variety of settings are caring, professionalism, skills and competency development, therapeutic communication skills, and therapeutic use of self.

NUR 265

3 Credits

NUR 305 Adult Health Nursing (19–64 yrs.)

This course focuses on the develop- ment of nursing competence in planning and managing care for individuals (19–64 yrs.) and families with alterations in health status. The course stresses the integration of physiological, pathophysiological, pharmacological, developmental and cultural con- cepts, and health promotion as the foundation for professional nursing practice. Theo- retical foundations for the provision of care to individuals and families with alterations in the health of related body systems are addressed. Major health conditions of the Cay- man Islands are highlighted. Use of theory and research-based assessment strategies and nursing interventions required to provide care to individuals/families in health care facilities are emphasised. The use of critical thinking and evidence-based practice are stressed.

BIO 240; NUR 265

6 Credits

NUR 306 Adult Health Nursing (19–64 yrs.) Clinical Practicum

This course pro- vides the student with foundational clinical experiences necessary for the management of adult health, including health promotion, illness prevention and treatment. Emphasis is on utilisation of the nursing process, critical thinking and evidence-based practice in the assessment and management of adult patients with common health problems of related body systems The course provides clinical opportunities to provide safe, legal, and ethical care for adults in both acute and/or out-patient settings.

NUR 305

6 Credits

NUR 315 Care of the Elderly

This course critiques and applies social and biological theories of ageing (65 years and over) and psychosocial models of growth and devel- opment to the study of the elderly in a variety of settings such as, the community, acute care and long-term care facilities. It focuses on factors, which encourage healthy ageing. Epidemiological, demographic and socio-economic determinants are explored, as well as issues and implications of physiological, emotional and psychological changes and community initiatives and resources. International and national declarations and stan- dards are applied to meet the needs of the elderly.

BIO 240; NUR 265

3 Credits

NUR 316 Care of the Elderly Clinical Practicum

The application of health and nurs- ing concepts and theories in the care of the elderly patient and family. Emphasis is on practising inter-disciplinary health care, advocacy in order to promote health and pre- vent illness, disability and disease of the elderly. The role of the nurse in assisting the elderly to maintain wellness and minimise effects of chronic conditions is also stressed.

NUR 315

3 Credits

NUR 325 Childbearing Family

This course presents basic nursing theory of the childbearing family from conception through delivery and the neonate. Exploration of normal changes and processes of pregnancy and delivery including the neonate, as well as the physiological, emotional, cultural, spiritual, and psychosocial needs of the child- bearing family and new-born are presented. Nursing research, cultural, socio-political, and legal aspects applicable to the childbearing family are studied. Community resources appropriate for the childbearing family are explored. Students will spend time in clinical settings observing and providing ethical and legal care for the childbearing family. Related clinical practicum skills are provided in the associated Childbearing Family Clinical Practicum.

NUR 305; NUR 306; NUR 326

4 Credits

NUR 326 Childbearing Family Clinical Practicum

This course provides the experi- ence for the student to integrate theory and skills in the nursing interventions for parental and foetal health during pregnancy, childbirth and the post-partum period, and the neonate up to 28 days of life. Practice settings include inpatient hospital settings, health care centres, as well as supportive community agencies.

NUR 325

3 Credits

NUR 330 Child Care Nursing (1 mth.–18 yrs.)

This course provides a theoretical foundation of nursing care of children of all age groups (1 month-18 years) along the well-illness continuum within the framework of normal physical, cognitive, and psy- chosocial development. Health and wellness are explored as they relate to the devel- opmental levels. The major health problems of each age group are considered, integrating nutritional, psychological, pharmacological, health promotion, and rehabil- itation aspects throughout the course. The major health problems include the age appropriate genetic disorders of the Cayman Islands. The family is addressed as the central unit for providing nursing care of the acute and chronically ill child and adoles- cent. Students will be assigned to a variety of health care settings, where the experi- ences are designed to facilitate application of theoretical knowledge, critical thinking, sound clinical judgments, leadership, collaboration, and organisation and management skills in clinical practice.

NUR 331. Prerequisite: NUR 325

3 Credits

NUR 331 Child Care Nursing (1 mth–18 yrs.) Clinical Practicum

This practicum course concentrates on health maintenance and the prevention of illness, and care of the child from 1 month to 18 years. The practicum provides opportunities for students to deliver nursing care that is adapted to the unique health and developmental needs of children and their families in the Cayman Islands.

NUR 330

3 Credits

NUR 401 Research Project

This course provides the opportunity for the student to select a research topic relevant to nursing under guidance of the instructor. Prior to undertaking the research, the student will present for approval a written project outline. On completion of the study, the student will also present a written abstract to the instructor for approval prior to completing and presenting the written report.

SOC 302

2 Credits

NUR 405 Specialised Nursing

This course provides information on the organisation, structure, personnel, functions and care of patients in the specialised units, namely the Accident and Emergency, Operating Theatre, Recovery Room, and Intensive Care Unit. Trauma management, emergency management, and disaster preparedness and mitigation are also included.

NUR 406. Prerequisite: NUR 305

4 Credits

NUR 406 Specialised Nursing Clinical Practicum

This course enables the student to integrate and consolidate acquired knowledge and skills and to gain practical expe- riences in the areas covered in the Specialised Nursing course.

NUR 405

4 Credits

NUR410 Leadership & Management in Nursing

This course explores management and leadership concepts and theories and their application to nursing. The course is designed to introduce the student to elements and techniques of management of health care facilities and personnel. The role of the nurse as a supervisor, leader, change agent and manager in a fiscally constrained health service is emphasised. Current issues, opportunities and challenges for nursing leadership in different nursing, community and organisational venues are included.

Co-requisite: NUR 411. Prerequisites: NUR 401; NUR 405

4 Credits

NUR 411 Leadership & Management in Nursing Practicum

This course allows for the application of the concepts and theories of the Leadership and Management in Nursing course to the management of patient care units. All previously learned knowl- edge and skills will be integrated into the clinical experience. Students will apply lead- ership skills and patient care management theories in managing patient care units.

NUR 410

4 Credits


NUR 420 Transitional Nursing

This course is designed to assist the student in assuming the role of the Registered General Nurse. Registration and licensure processes, legal aspects of nursing, issues and trends in nursing and health care, and ethics and biomedical ethical concerns will be covered. Students are assisted with strategies for studying for the Regional Examination for Nurse Registration (RENR) and for sitting the mock examination.

NUR 401; NUR 405