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Course Number/Title

Course description



POL 101 Introduction to Political Science

This course provides the student with an understanding of various political systems through an examination of the similarities and comparative analysis in institutions, political structures and practices, current issues and the nature of power and authority in contemporary nations.

3 Credits

POL 201 Introduction to International Relations and Politics

The course focuses on the analysis of international politics and the processes of international relations. Topics include international and regional organisations, management of conflict and cooperation, problems facing the world community, related political issues, and inter- national responses to them, including international trade, economic development and global economic trends, wars, arms control, terrorism, ethnic conflict, human rights, status of women, population growth, food security, and the environment.

POL 101 or permission of the department chair

3 Credits

POL 202 Government, Business and Society

This course provides diverse perspec- tives on the changing roles and relationships of business, government and society. It describes the role, function and effects of the business sector on society, and the part which the business sector plays both as regulator and as activist

POL 101

3 Credits

POL 301 Caribbean Politics

This course focuses on the structure of and current con- troversies in Caribbean political systems from a comparative perspective. Many of these have to do with elections and electoral systems, political opposition, the nature of gov- ernment and reform of the state, human rights and human development, justice, crime and corruption, models of economic development and the impact of globalisation.

3 Credits

POL 302 Caribbean Politics

This course provides a general overview of the political problems associated with the quest for greater socio-economic development in the Caribbean.

3 Credits

POL 303 Introduction to Political Analysis

This course introduces the main con- cepts of the discipline of political science by critically examining important issues such as power, representation, political culture, socialisation, party systems, and governance. It is deliberately global in its outlook with an emphasis on the Anglophone Caribbean countries as the lens through which contemporary trends and events and their conse- quences for political systems are examined.

3 Credits

POL 330 Caribbean International Relations

This course introduces the theory and practice of Caribbean foreign policy, from independence to present day. It examines the changing nature of the regional and international environment since the independence of these states and how they have initiated a search for identity, development and status in the contemporary global system.

3 Credits

POL 422 International Political Economy

This course introduces students to the core concepts and issues in the study of International Political Economy (IPE). It presents various analyses of the inherent tension and mutual interplay between an inter- national system organised politically into sovereign nation-states and territorial boundaries but economically into a ‘borderless’ world economy.

3 Credits