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SOC – Sociology

Course Number/Title

Course description



SOC 101 Sociology I

This course looks at the themes of social class, ethnicity, gender and age. Topics include sociological theory, culture, socialisation, social stratification, education, and the mass media.

3 Credits

SOC 102 Sociology II

This course looks at the themes of social class, ethnicity, gender and age. Topics include religion, development and modernisation, health, power and politics, population, urbanisation, work and leisure, technology, and social change.

SOC 101 or permission of the department chair

3 Credits

SOC 202 Sociology, Change and Development

This course addresses problema- tiques, theories, and critiques of social development and considers relevant strategies such as improving public sector effectiveness, social welfare and international cooperation for social development.

BIO 120

3 Credits

SOC 211 Civic, Moral and Character Education for Young Men

This course is run over 2 semesters and is designed to help UCCI’s young men navigate the challenges of a chang- ing Caymanian society. Young men must distinguish themselves by right conduct, deport- ment, speech and dress. The programme seeks to empower young men by instilling in them a sense of self-respect, confidence, etiquette, courage and responsibility. The programme is organised into a series of interactive and dynamic modules over two semes- ters, each dealing with a particular topic/aspect of a young man’s upbringing.

6 Credits

SOC 300 Philosophy and Methods of the Social Sciences

This course examines the methods, foundations, assumptions, and purposes of the Social Sciences. It differenti- ates between ’science’ and ‘non-science’, and social and natural science. It also examines and applies the theoretical frameworks associated with the various disciplines which make up the Social Sciences. It explores how phenomenological and social scientific approaches can be used to more thoroughly understand the complexities of human behaviour.

3 Credits

SOC 301 Classics of Social Theory

This course introduces students to the classics of social theory. The reading list includes Mill, Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Tocqueville, de Beauvoir and Foucault.

3 Credits

SOC 302 Research Methods in Nursing

This course focuses on developing under- standing of scientific approach and methods of the research process and critical appraisal of existing nursing and related health literature. The contents will enable nurses to utilise research findings to promote the relationship of research to practice, education and administration.

3 Credits

SOC 303 Marriage and the Family

This course focuses on the many different types of family structures, from the conjugal to the consanguineal, assessing the ways in which marriage may augment or else erode such structures in their normatively understood forms and inner logic. Students will explore the various social, physical, psychological, legal and economic aspects of marriage and the family.

3 Credits

SOC 305 Research Methods in the Social Sciences

Scientific research methods, especially in sociology, political science and anthropology, and a wide range of data col- lection methodologies including observation, questionnaire construction and con- trolled experimentation are examined. Students will develop an understanding of the types of questions and topics that can be addressed by the various research methods used by social scientists.

3 Credits

SOC 309 Media and Society

This course examines and analyses the mass media and the forces that influence them as well as the factors that they influence or reinforce. Emphasis will be placed on the basic legal and ethical principles applicable to the media, the written and unwritten ethics that must govern media; the role of government in attempting to regulate the media; connections between culture and media; plus the media’s influence on society and value formation. The course also exposes students to major international theories of, and studies about, the media, common media values and influences, while encouraging the critique of stereotypes or myths created or reinforced by the media.

3 Credits

SOC 400 Sociology of the Caribbean

Tracing Caribbean existence from the slavery era through emancipation and into the present, this course strives to locate and inter- rogate themes of continuity, rupture and change in various social institutions in the Caribbean. It draws from the issues, themes, and main ideas of sociology to enable students to adopt a scientific approach in tackling contemporary policy issues in a theoretically and empirically informed manner.

3 Credits

SOC 405 Contemporary Issues in Responding to Crime

This course examines shift- ing notions of crime, and responsibility for crime within the criminal justice system. Multiple meanings of criminal justice are examined, such as the governing through law and order model, as dispute resolution, and as risk management.

3 Credits

SOC 406 Social Welfare Policy and Services

This course furnishes students with the orienting knowledge and skills needed to examine social welfare policies of various countries and governments and to understand their relevance to social service delivery and social work practice.

3 Credits

SOC 407 Sociology of Deviance

Deviance and crime are two of the least understood social phenomena. Much of our knowledge concerning the etiology of crime is derived from the television, newspapers, and direct and indirect experiences with it. This course investigates and discusses the individual and sociological explanations for criminal behaviour and deviance.

3 Credits

SOC 409 Leadership of Social Agencies

This course focuses on the legal and policy issues critical to effective leadership of social agencies. Topics include compliance, equity, code of ethics, and the development, communication, and implementation of effective policy.

3 Credits

SOC 410 Sociology of Tourism

This course traces the development of tourism as a global phenomenon since 1940 within the following two definitive prisms (relating this phenomenon especially to the Caribbean and the Cayman Islands): Tourism as the sum of the phenomena and relationships arising from the travel of stay-over residents, inso- far as they do not lead to permanent residence and are not connected with any earning activity.

3 credits

SOC 412 Health Care Policy

This introductory course takes a policy and politics angle to health care’s three most persistent issues – access, cost and quality. The roles of patients, physicians, hospitals, insurers, and pharmaceutical companies will be exam- ined. Current national health care policy initiatives in the Cayman Islands, the Caribbean and selected First World Countries will be subjected to critical and analytical thought.

3 credits

SOC 450 Social Studies Senior Thesis and Oral Exam

In this course, students, with the guidance of a supervisor, choose a topic, determine the appropriate methodology and carry out a study. The data is used as the basis for writing and presenting the Senior Thesis.

3 credits